Still Explosion
Meet detective Laura Molloy, a female journalist who works for the Twin Cities Times. Only moments after Malloy has arrived at an abortion clinic to interview the director, a bomb goes off in the clinic, killing a young man who had been escorting his girlfriend to get an abortion. The young man himself is suspected of being the bomber, but Laura, doubting that story, investigates other suspects as well: the hard-line leader of an antiabortion organization, his wife, his lesbian ex-wife, and both the girlfriend and the brother of the dead man. In the course of her protagonist's investigation, Logue finds opportunities to sketch in a brief history of abortion and of the controversy surrounding that procedure. The plot, which includes the depositing of a dead fetus on the doorstep of the bombing victim's girlfriend, builds to what Marie Kuda, writing in Booklist, called "an explosive ending."
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